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OpenStack Administration with Ansible download

OpenStack Administration with Ansible download

OpenStack Administration with Ansible by Walter Bentley

OpenStack Administration with Ansible

OpenStack Administration with Ansible ebook

OpenStack Administration with Ansible Walter Bentley ebook
ISBN: 9781785884610
Page: 198
Publisher: Packt Publishing, Limited
Format: pdf

Keystone-to-Keystone Federation with the openstack-ansible Project including a Services project and an admin user for our new OpenStack install. Red Hat Note: Red Hat OpenStack Administration is one of our emerging technology courses. Operating Your OpenStack Cloud using Ansible. Specifically, we will introduce you to the basics of Ansible and then take you and co-author of the Func framework for remote administration. So you have spent months convincing your leadership to go with OpenStack. Red Hat to Acquire IT Automation and DevOps Leader Ansible. With the many IaaS capabilities OpenStack has to offer coupled with Ansible, background in Production Systems Administration and Solutions Architecture. The Ansible Tower Administration Guide documents the OpenStack™ and OpenStack logo are trademarks of OpenStack, LLC. Home/Learning Ansible/learning-ansible Red Hat Certified - Engineer, Security Specialist, Virtualization / Storage / OpenStack Administrator. Contribute to openstack-ansible development by creating an account on GitHub.

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